Today, I’m gonna put the foodie in me into a pause and I’m gonna wear my mommy hat. Let’s talk about our kids who are always on the go, always playful, and always malikot. Aren’t they the most happy and adorable when they are having the time of their life playing? Awww, that’s what I feel when I look at Ykaie with her friends outside. But you know what, that’s also the time when she goes home to me with either a cut, a bruise, or an abrasion. Oh, if only we can put them in a bubble so they wont get hurt. That’s not the case, though.
My immediate reaction is of course worried. What I used to do is I put hydrogen peroxide on the wound to clean it before putting an antibacterial cream. There was a time when Ykaie’s wound got inflamed and she was crying all the time because of it. Well, that won’t happen again because now I know better.
I was very fortunate to have attended a talk about Wound Care last week together with fellow mommy bloggers. The talk was held at Sofitel Manila and is sponsored by Fucidin® from LEO Pharma™.
There I got to know Staphy a little better. Meet Staphy! Staphy or Staphylococcus aureus for long is one specie of bacteria that live on skin as well as in mucous membranes ( like our nose). It is totally harmless as long as there is no break in the skin’s barrier. However, it happens to be one of two main bacteria most commonly involved in children’s skin infections.
When there’s a break on the skin surface from a wound, Staphy takes this opportunity to move from the surface to underneath—what the skin barriers are trying to protect—and start to multiply. And when given the chance to invade skin, Staphy can kill cells that fight infection, release toxins, and hinder your child’s immune response so as to survive in the body. So yes, Staphy is the culprit behind wound infection and the one moms like you must battle at all cost!
It’s the reason why the wound gets infected. Signs of infection include redness, increasing pain, pus secretion, warmth or swelling around the area. If your child has staph infections, he may also complain of a sore, a spider bite, an insect bite, or an infected pimple. It may have started out small and itchy, but then progressed to something red and sore.
According to pediatrician,Dr. Kristine Gutierrez, Cleaning is not enough.
While general cleanliness and good hygiene, as well as cleansing the wound with clean hands (important!), are your child’s first line of defense against harmful bacteria like Staphy, it must not stop there. While washing with soap and water can remove 90% of bacteria from the area, it doesn’t kill them. So you have to take your child’s protection a step further so as not to give invaders like Staphy an opportunity to attack. Ever.
We can’t stress enough the importance of applying antibiotic ointment under the bandage to protect minor wounds from infection. It can also keep the wound area moist, which helps hasten the healing process when applied regularly over a period of at least seven days. Furthermore, it prevents the bacteria and infection from spreading to not just other parts of your child’s body, but also other members of your family.
But you have to choose the right antibiotic ointment You should go with one that has a reliable background and contains a powerful antibiotic with a clinically proven action against Staphy, such as fusidic acid or Fucidin®.
Fucidin®is a powerful, fast-acting, and deep penetrating topical antibiotic that destroys harmful bacteria, battles wound infection, and protects your child from the serious diseases this may cause—all while remaining kind to your child’s sensitive skin cells. It’s your ultimate ally against wound infection from Staphy!
Dr. Irene Gardiner also gave a talk about wound care.
She told us that contrary to popular belief of keeping the would exposed, we have to KEEP our child’s wound WET.
You must NOT keep wounds dry and exposed to air; not only does this not help wounds heal, this only slows down healing. Blowing into your child’s wound, for instance, will not only keep it dry but also possibly bring in more germs. To accelerate healing, wounds should be kept moist, clean, and covered. Moisture keeps bandages from sticking to the wound and causing further damage. Applying a layer of antibiotic ointment like Fucidin® will keep the wound moist and help prevent infection.
What are the advantages of using Fucidin®?
Fucidin® topical formulations reaches effective tissue levels in as little as 2 hours. It is chemically and structurally different from other antibiotics. It has excellent skin penetration. It’s not altered or rendered inactive by bacterial enzymes. No cross resistance. And has low reports of allergic reactions.
Mr. Lars Olen, Vice President of LEO Pharma™, talked more about LEO Pharma™ and how they are doing more research in order to help a lot of people. According to him, they don’t really measure their profits but how many people they have helped. He also entertained some questions about Fucidin® after the talk.
I really learned a lot about Wound Care, the First Aid Kit Essentials, the Steps to Proper Wound Care, and Fucidin® product and uses.
Check out Fucidin’s latest TVC:

Mommies, let’s all join the fight against wound infection! No to Staphy! and Yes to Fucidin®!

36 Responses
This must have been a fascinating seminar, and how kind of you to spread the word. So many cuts and abrasions that seem minor, wind up being quite serious because the proper wound care protocol was not followed.
True. Thanks Adri!
Staph infection is no laughing matter at all. I dealt with a few cases while being a medic in the army. While Im sure Fucidin is effective there are others that you can use as well.
Oh! would love to know more.
I’m all for having nice skin so skin infections scare me a lot – imagine how difficult it must be for kids. I don’t like wounds and would always go for the best cure out there. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard of Fucidin from my Mom.
I’m pretty sure you did.
What a great and informative post. I will have to add Fucidin to my first aid kits.
Make sure you do. I aalready added it to mine.
Its amazing how a minor cut can end up being something more. I haven’t given it much thought with my boys at all, but its good to know how I need to clean up their wounds when they get them.
Thanks Heather.
I have never had a staph infection before thankfully. This sounded like it was very informative!
It is. There’s a lot of useful information.
Looks like a great seminar and always good to learn about disease prevention, etc…
Yeah, specially if you have kids at home.
It doesn’t matter what age your child is, I think having Fucidin at home is an essential part of mommying. My kids are all grown, but they still get an occasional cut or scrape because they are active in sports. Thanks for sharing your experience. It must have been a lovely seminar.
Yes, I did learn a lot on that seminar.
It’s interesting that so much of how our parents did things is now considered wrong. I didn’t realize keeping wounds wet was the way to go!
Same here.
Sounds like a great seminar with tons of useful info. I’ve never seen this product in my area,… can’t wait to try
It is!
This is great information for parents! I would have thought letting a wound dry would be better also. We have lots of ouchies in our house, so this will probably come in handy.Thanks!
you’re welcome Katie.
Thanks for the information! I am so glad to have some more info. Staph infection is no joke so it’s great to have some more info in one spot. Hopefully can find this sometime in my area.
True. Staph infection can hurt our kids
Staph infection is no laughing matter at all. I’ve never had it, but heard it’s horrible!
yes it is!
Seems like this was a super informative talk. I know I always just clean wounds and generally haven’t had any infections. Ill be on the look out for this though now.
Thanks Hannah!
Wow, what a great seminar! That stuff is so important, keep the cuts from getting infected!
Yeah. That’s why I’m glad I was able to attend this.
This sounds like it was a fun event as well as having great information on wound care etc. for sure. Fucidin sounds like a great product for wounds. Thanks for sure I will have to check this out.
Thanks Rebecca!
Sounds like it was a very informative seminar, its good to know about these kinds of things.
Wow, keeping wounds wet helps them to heal better? I was always told the opposite, so this is super interesting to me. Good info to know.
Thanks Adrienne!