Keeping Your Children Healthy as Winter Approaches

The kids are back to school, autumn is on the way out, and winter is fast approaching. If your children haven’t already given in to the cold and flu, as well as other viruses that travel around school, it’s bout to happen sometime. While you can’t avoid every bug, you can take some simple tips to keep your children as healthy as possible.

Get That Flu Shot
When it comes to the flu, children are especially susceptible and more at risk. Doctors highly recommend getting the flu shot for your child. There is still the possibility of your child developing the flu, but symptoms are generally less severe and the illness does not last as long.

Dress Appropriately
As weather transitions occur, you need to make sure your children are prepared for the conditions. One day it’s mild and the next day it’s freezing. Your best bet is to dress them in layers. They can always take off extra clothing if they become too warm.

Make Sure they Eat Well
Healthy foods are a must. Load up on the fluids, fresh produce, lean protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and low fat dairy products. It’s all right to indulge from time to time when all of those enticing flavors are tempting you as you see what’s waiting in gelato pan liners at your favorite gelateria. Let your children enjoy a treat, but encourage wise eating habits.

Get Some Fresh Air
Your children need to be outside and active. Doctors recommend at least an hour of physical activity a day. Whether you are out there with them, they head out with their friends, or go to the local community center, get them moving.

Too many children are spending too much time in front of a television screen. Video games are truly taking over, as well as mobile devices. Set a limit on how much time your children can spend on electric devices and stick with it. Spend time together as a family, promoting your child’s emotional well-being.

Get Plenty of Sleep
When your children are well-rested, their immune systems will be stronger. Establish a bed time routine for young ones and encourage older children to turn in at a reasonable time. They will be able to function better when they sleep well and will be healthier too.

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Hi, Peachy here!

I'm a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I'm a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutterā™„. I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. Learn more ā†’






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