5 Tips to Save Money on Your TV, Broadband, and Phone Bills

Saving money will always be the number one priority, specially for moms like us. That’s why we always try to find good deals on anything like food, clothes, and even on our broadband, phone, and tv. Why should we pay more for broadband, phone and tv when we could get all three in a bundle or a package for less?

Here are a few tips on how we could save on our broadband, tv, and phone bills…

Do Not Be Afraid To Switch

You’ve had that phone line since birth. Probably because you’re parents subscribed to that company and you never considered changing ever since. Well, our needs change. Along with phone line, we now need broadband connections and digital tv. BT is one of the companies who now offers bt tv packages that has digital tv, phone and broadband in one. They offer different packages to match the different needs of consumers making all three services more affordable.

Look For Deals and Special Promos

With all the companies in the broadband, digital tv, and phone market competition becomes stiff. That’s why, many companies offer deals and special promos to tempt consumers into choosing them. These deals and promos come in the form of free installation, free upgrades, or a special discount. The BT Unlimited Broadband, one of the bt tv packages, includes a Sainsbury’s gift voucher and free 6 months on your subscription should you choose to avail of it.

Pay Your Subscription Upfront

Companies loves advance payment. My subscription offers a discount when you pay it in advance for one year. It’s just 5% off but it’s still 5% less payment which means an addition to your savings.

Give Up Your Landline

Let’s admit it. This is the day of mobile phones. We seldom use our landlines nowadays. Consider giving it up if you rarely use it. It can save you a lot more money than you might think.

Pay For What You Need

Don’t be tempted into paying for things that you don’t need or want. You can now customize every service that comes your way nowadays. Pay only for the channels that you watch. Sometimes companies tempt you in having 264 channels for a minimal additional cost to your tv subscription. You get tempted thinking you’re saving a lot of money when in reality, you only watch 3 channels and you’ll just end up channel surfing with the rest. It’s going to be both a waste of money and time. Get only the channels you want and need, pay for what is due.

I recently got rid of my landline and I’m happy with what I saved up in giving it up.


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Hi, Peachy here!

I'm a foodie mommy living in the Philippines. I'm a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutterā™„. I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. Learn more ā†’






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