We had a family outing late last week at Amana Waterpark. The food we brought for lunch were my favorites and it kept my tummy happy the whole day. So I wanna share it with you too…

Steamed Shrimps with tamarind-anchovy paste {bagoong isda} dipping sauce. I love♥ love♥ love♥ the dipping sauce!

Sis made these chicken wings. I don’t know what she calls it. It’s sort of a spicy- sweet chicken wings.

Chilled green mango and jicama slices with sweet-salty-fatty Shrimp Paste… LOL!

Rome and I were in charge of skewering the meat for the pork barbecue. We did it with a lot of posings,hee.
Pork barbecue and grilled pork belly♥

I’d say they turned out great. It’s nice when you give your grilled meat a few poses,hee.
Ate Tess grilled the fish…

We had grilled milkfish and tilapia. Ssshhhh, don’t tell them I scooped out the milkfish belly…

For dessert, we had fresh fruits. Watermelon and Star Apple.
16 Responses
i love bringing our own baon on our trips too!! i hate eating at resort’s restos.. di naman masyadong masarap.. and too expensive! Hehe!
i love bringing our own baon on our trips too!! i hate eating at resort’s restos.. di naman masyadong masarap.. and too expensive! Hehe!
you guys know how to eat the fish looks amazing
wahhh, wala ako ng mapili, saraaaap lahat. i’m missing the starapple. konti ang nagtinda ngayon s market d2:(
Wow inihaw na isda and mangga, I definitely miss Philippines now
You had a fun out there! Love those star apples.
You bring awesome food! Looks like a lot of yummy fun!
It looks like fun and so much tasty food!
I’ve never tried tamarind-anchovy paste but it sounds soooo good!
Sis your link to Amana waterpark on your other blog is broken..but I got there eventually. 🙂
superheroes at the beach? wow, i love this. i love to grow my muscles into hulk-like. lalo na ngayon na mahilig ka pala magpapicture kay hulk. hahahaha.
wow! kakatakam naman, i’ve seen star apples, it’s been a long time i haven’t eaten that fruit, sarap!
love it, pumoposing while grilling! 😀 ang sarap niyo namang kasama sa outing, super sarap ng food! 😀
Looks like a great time! Never seen the star apple. Gonna have to look that up:)
This really look just too good as I am sitting here eating leftovers from last night. Pork BarGQ and watermelon…I think I have died and gone to heaven with a meal like that. Great shots. Yummie in the old tummy!
Peach ang sarap naman nitong baon nyo…nakakatakam! thanks for sharing 9and for making my tummy churn:-))…
Nice bonding with the family:-)
Oooooh! there’s no room for moderation in this menu!