Best Food Forward is tomorrow! It is a two day food fair to be held at the NBC Tent in The Fort, Taguig City on 2-3 April 2011.
it will showcase the best in the industry, gather prominent figures in the culinary scene and at the same time, give newcomers their time to shine. It will also be the place where food and culture will come together in a festive atmosphere to create that deliciously rare food experience.
Last week, I asked sis if we could go to this event but she declined. We are on a diet for our Monday outing she said.
I so wanna try Pink Wasabi, Supreme Brazo Bars by Ces Lopez, Dragonfly Desserts and that Crunchy Five Spice Pork Roll from Syd’s Kitchen….
Oh well….I guess I have to go next time…
3 Responses
Hi! have you tried Pink Wasabi desserts yet?
Not yet but I will be trying your desserts soon. You guys don’t have a store yet?
hi! no store yet. you can order through our facebook page (btw, i saw your name on our list š thanks for liking us), through our e-mail or you can pm me on fb (chef anna)