Hello 2011.
2010 has been such a blessing to me. I was able to learn a lot of things, gain new friends, experience new adventures and love a lot. It was both a happy and a sad year….. a year that was full of emotions specially when peanutbutter♥ left for Dubai to work. This was the first time that we were apart. But in the past months, our being apart made us more closer because we got to know more about each other. I learned more about him which I wouldn’t have otherwise.I am so grateful for this experience.
This year, I thought I’d make a few more resolutions. I’m kinda getting tired with “Lose More Weight” and “Spend Less, Save More“. They’ve been my resolutions for a few years now. Don’t get me wrong, they are still included in my list, I just added a few more.
Okay. Here it goes…
♥ I think I’m drinking too much coffee. No. Wait, let me re-phrase that. peanutbutter♥ thinks I’m drinking too much coffee. But for someone who thinks I’m drinking too much coffee, he bought me a stovetop coffee maker. Isn’t that the sweetest? So, my first resolution is I’m gonna substitute a cup of decaf for a cup of regular coffee per day. I consume about four cups, so that would be three cups caffeinated and one cup decaf for me everyday this year.
♥ I promise will try to keep our room clean. I hate cleaning and we don’t have a helper. It’s hard to keep it tidy and clean. I didn’t get a self-cleaning house last Christmas, I have no choice but to do it myself.
♥ I want to experience new things with peanutbutter♥ and ykaie– food, places and new adventures. Life is too short, we better enjoy it while we still can.
♥ Hopefully, I’d be able to eat more fish this year. I am not fond of fish. I don’t know why. This year I’ll try to explore with some fish dishes and hope I like some to make them a staple.
♥ I want to gain more friends both in and out of the www!
That’s about it. I hope I can do all that this year.

Crab Salad sandwich is one of the food that I prepared for New Year’s Eve. {New Year’s eve spread post later}. Notice that the sandwich was served in polka dots plate. It’s been tradition that during the New Year, you should wear something with polka dots or circular pattern. It signifies the belief that circles or round patterns attracts money and fortune. I don’t have any polka dots clothes, hence, the dish.
15 Kani Sticks, shredded {or you can use crab meat}
1½ cup mayonnaise
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp sugar
½ celery, chopped
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 onion chopped {optional, didn’t use any because I think the flavor will overpower the kani}
lettuce leaves
sliced cucumbers
wheat bread
- Put the first seven ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
- Chill for 1 hour.
- Put lettuce leaves on a piece of bread and top with crab salad.
- Top with another bread and garnish with a slice of cucumber on top.
- Secure cucumber with a toothpick.
- Serve immediately.
an entry for