Holiday cooking is upon me again and this year I want to do something different. I have gained a few pounds over the last couple of years and I am trying to get in shape. Holiday meals and get-togethers traditionally have not been a good influence on my waistline. This year I am going to try to make the meals I make both tasty and healthy. I know that my family likes to have some of the same meals each year and would have a fit if I deleted things like mashed potatoes and my extra special peach cobbler, so I will keep one or two of the old recipes, but the rest of the menu is going to be updated and light.
As I made my menu for this year, I also decided to shop for some new holiday clothing as well. I bought myself the cutest Rocawear sweater and a pair of jeans with a waistband that does not expand if I eat too much food. As I looked through my closet recently, I almost started throwing out some clothes that were getting a bit snug, but instead I decided to start eating better right then. I have lost a couple of pounds in the last three weeks so that is helping with my motivation, too.
This year I will have my mashed potatoes with mayonnaise that my dad loves so much, but I will also bake sweet potatoes that I will only sprinkle cinnamon on, and that will be the only seasoning for them. I think my family will be pleasantly surprised that they can do without the marshmallows and butter. Something else I will do differently is make the stuffing in small muffin-tin size portions instead of just heaping it into a bowl. Hopefully it will help regulate portion sizes.