Amazing Cones is definitely a “food on the run” type of food as you can eat and go.

The Menu
They have large pizza cones and mini cones. They also offer soft serve ice cream and Amazing Ice,which is like a granita and has four flavors: Buco Lychee, Buco Pandan, mais con Hielo and Black Gulaman.That’s sis’s fingers with a peace sign..

We just want to try it so we ordered a pepperazzi mini pizza cone for P25. Above is their special oven for their cone-shaped pizza and that’s my mini cone cooking..

That’s Buco Lychee paired with our mini pizza cone. Suprisingly they taste great together!

The mini pizza cone is around 2-3 inches in length.
They also offer mini sweet cones for dessert!Loved the concept!
Amazing Cones
Ground Flr.
Robinson’s Galleria
near the grocery
3 Responses
congrats… 🙂 ur invited for auto link ex.. http://link.thelad.co.cc/
mukhang mas masarap yung fingers! ahihihi!
ikaw kase ang model