I usually order T-Bone Steak when we eat out somewhere where the steaks look good but this time we tried something different.
Baked Mussels (P280)
They have like a Steak package that includes Rib-Eye Steak,Pork Chops, Chicken and Baby-back Ribs.
There are three of us,peanutbutter♥, sis and me..and this was more than enough for us.
I ordered mashed potatoes on the side thinking Ykaie might like it but she didn’t.
Tender Bob’s is located at the 4th level,SM The Block
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Tender Bob’s
2 Responses
peachkins, I wish I had been with you at Tender Bob’s. Looks dee-lish! Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Like the mashed potatoes…look so creamy. (Like creamy stuff)