Happy New Year!
I hope your New Year’s Eve went happy and bountiful just like ours. Your table filled with good food and the air filled with love, laughters, and high hopes for the coming year.
I woke up early this morning and sat down on the dining table, coffee in hand, ready to type away on my laptop. I thought about the highlights of my 2015 and some of my life goals for the coming year. I also tried to think about my One Word for the year but I couldn’t think about any.
I’ve already had a fruitful 2015. There were so many things that happened and is continuously happening in my life that I’m having a difficult time thinking of just One Word to focus on for this year.
Then it came to me. This year, I want to THRIVE.
The Merriam-Webster Dictionaty defines Thrive as..
to grow vigorously : flourish
to gain in wealth or possessions : prosper
to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances
This year I would be working very hard to flourish and prosper for me and my family.
I want to thrive in all aspects of my life.
Health – I ballooned into 209 lbs when I got pregnant and now that I’ve given birth I’m a whopping 185 lbs!!! *sob* I’d like to become at least 130 – 140 lbs. With that said, I’ll be starting a health journey tomorrow until I reach my goal.
Family – I want to grow both as a mommy and as a wife. I want to inspire my family to be healthy and join me in my journey to fitness.
I want to thrive in friendship. I want to have coffee with friends. Catch up with stories, gossips, and good conversations.
I wish to grow more as a food blogger and with that I’m hoping to be able to blog more often, cook more often, and cook healthier without sacrificing the taste of food.
I want to be able to challenge myself to grow and see where that growth would take me.
Now I got myself inspired. Just tonight.
Thrive. My One Word for 2016. Sigh.
What’s your One Word for 2016?
41 Responses
Oh wow! I really can’t think of just one word. Heh! “Make it happen.” Would be my 3 word for 2016.
Then Make It happen this year! Cheers!
My word for 2016 would probably be “Give.” It has been a while since I gave time to be me, to give to the needy, to give my time to my family. Life is too short to be too busy to GIVE.
I love how you gave meaning to give.
I love the word “thrive”. We started a women’s group last fall, and I named it Thrive. It paints a beautiful picture of where we should all want to be – not just taking things one step at a time because we have to, but really growing and flourishing where we are! All the best for 2016!
All the best for 2016!
That is a great word for the new year. My word is Joy. I intend to be very happy this year and LIVE!
I’m sure you’ll get it this year.
That is an excellent word. I love how everybody who has picked words have picked different words but they all deal with personal growth on some level
Yeah, I love that too!
Hang in there! I gained a lot when I was pregnant, and I was so frustrated when it didn’t come off quickly. You’ll get there
Thanks !
Thrive is a word I would use if I had to choose one for this year. I’m definitely making some positive changes in my personal and business life to thrive this year.
That’s what I’m gonna do this year.
You gave a whole new meaning to this word. For this year, I’ll strive to thrive and become more successful.
Let’s do this!
Thrive is such a great word for the year!! I believe that you can do anything you set your mind to!! You’ve got this!!
Thanks Ricci!
Happy New Year to you too! We had an amazing celebration. Your post made me remember the how fun and festive it was. Thrive! Yes thrive and make it happen.
Thanks tatanisha!
Thrive is a great word. We all should strive to thrive every year.
Thanks Our Family World
I think I had many new things to learn this 2016 since I just changed jobs in the last quarter of 2015. So for this year, my one word will have to be “commit.” This applies not only at work, where I have to commit my time and dedication to open up to innovation especially since I’m in IT. This also holds true for my relationships with other people.
I like your word.
It’s funny because my school’s motto this year is “Thrive!” There is a great song called ‘Thrive’ that we plat at all of our assemblies.
That’s nice!
Happy New Year to you as well. =) Thrive is such an excellent word and something I hope to do as well this year.
I do hope we thrive this year.
My word is Joy! Whatever I do, I want to have joy doing it!!! It’s working so far!
I love your word!
Omg what a great word! I told myself I wasn’t going to pick a world and I’ve been using the word epic a lot… So I guess epic became my word somehow lol
You’re gonna be epic this year.
I haven’t really thought of my word for this year, but I like then word you chose! I guess my word will be faith.
Faith is a great word for 2016.
That’s an awesome word for 2016…and it’s so fun of action! My word is ‘Smile’ because I feel everything is better with a little positivity.
That’s true. You’ll go far with positivity.
My words for 2016 are Hustle (it was 2015’s word and still applies) and Balance. I picked the second one because I am getting married this June and life always changes after a wedding, and I want to transform my blog, my health, and everything else.
I do hope you achieve your goals this year.
Mine’s PURPOSE! I promised to myself that I shall only do all things if it serve purpose. Or should I get tired of doing it, I’d go back to why I do it in the first place. I love your word! My word last year was GROW and it did reflect how my 2015 went.
Your words of choice were great!
Thriving is always great! I have the same problem with my weight. Hopefully we both lose it!